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1 min read
Are We There Yet?
I am expecting some unfortunate accidents, beeping traffic jams and kids in the back shouting "ARE WE THERE YET?

1 min read
I am scared
When I began my studies, I was trapped in a bleak and desolate mental state, devoid of any desire to keep living. My sole objective was...

3 min read
Breaking Down Preconceptions | My Hermeneutics Circle
Abstract: This section of research explores a comparative notion of similarities between accepted academic research - reading, comparing...

1 min read
Loch Down Art on the shores of Loch Morlich?
Stand in their shoes We patiently pause on the footstep icons showing we care for those we stand behind. The frozen Loch symbolises the...

1 min read
Documenting a Global Adoption of Icons
Semiotics Fighting the war against a global foe. Covid 19, has seen very slight changes to commonly used icons. For instance the signs...

1 min read
Two Glasses of Merlot and a packet of Wotzits
Party In My Hotel Room Francis Bacon has been rumoured to have created his greatest work when he was drunk or high. (I call him Frank...

1 min read
Cross if you Dare
This was the first sign I photographed it was below a traffic light. The green man light, signifying it was safe to cross did not match...

1 min read
Emergence of New Knowledge Through Artistic Collaboration
'...through dialogue existing thoughts will change and new knowledge will be created’ (Freire, 2012)

3 min read
Have you ever craved death?
Void of the ability to think about consequences to others, suicide is the ultimate selfish act. I can say that because I am a survivor of...

1 min read
Catch any Fish?
.... his main purpose to to 'make a catch'

2 min read
Together times one
We buy toilet roll, 'lie down' and button down the hatches only to emerge as a unit, venturing outside only to take our daily exercise..

3 min read
Smashing a perceived direction
Smashing the whole and picking up the fragments that glitter back at me helps me to reconstruct or repurpose my research statement.

2 min read
Stop and Stare
they stand still, listen and give their consent; unaware that it is the ephemeral engagement that is truly the art.

1 min read
My past artistic endeavours
Obsessive Collecting of items may relate back to me losing my possessions.

1 min read
My workspace - Outside
My workspace is currently a transient space, outdoors, my car, my bed on my couch. Being in social isolation, for me, is unbearable; I...

2 min read
Is art a measure of truth or is art truth a measure of art?
.....after its moment of creation has passed, it transforms into historical record of a previous experience.

1 min read
Life Trauma led to Creative Expression
An artistic 'accident' started me on a journey that I never thought was within my reach.
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